Happy New Year! I know I'm a bit late, but with January coming to a close soon, I thought I'd give some insight into what my future semester holds for me.
From February to May, I will be studying abroad in England. Away from my country, my little liberal arts college on a Civil War battlefield. Away from my family, my twin and friends. What type of experience will this be for me?
I'm super excited for many things with this trip. I'm taking a Jane Austen class and what's a better place to study her work than IN England?! It'll be so cool.
I am nervous to be going so far away without my family. I finally have my twin in the same state as me, only a few hours away from me and I only enjoyed the closeness for one semester. It just landed on some bad timing.
This blog will be dedicated to my studies abroad with many fellow students from Gettysburg College and my love. I am very fortunate he's able to be there with me. Off to England!
~ E